Monday, November 19, 2007

Next stop Broadway

Well maybe not right this minute there is a strike to consider but my youngest has become enamoured with a song from A Chorus Line. And yes I put off writing about this because in order to tell the tale I have to admit that in a moment of nostalgia it was I who first played her the tune. Now at any given moment in my house you might find yourself with front row seats to a one woman show, she only has one tune but she belts it out with enthusiasm and charm.

"This man is NOTHING, this course is NOTHING, if you want something go find a better class and when you find one you'll be an actress and I assure you that's what finally came to pass"

The song does contain a few no no, grown up words but the one she has really latched on to is Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ she exclaims exactly as it can be heard on the tune as she catches my eye in the rear view mirror a smile stretching all the way up to the corner of her eyes "you didn't get mad at me when I said that bad word" No, pause, (not sure of what I am about to say knowing it could backfire in ways I have not even considered) when you are singing the words to a song it is different. The problem is the words in question are one I have mumbled a little too loudly and far too often so she is already familiar with the phrase and the numerous occasions that mommy feels call for it's use. At least I did not let her listen to Dance 10 Looks 3 in which the dancer explains how "tits and ass can change your life" although if memory serves me right I did my fair share of dancing, prancing and singing to that tune in my living room well before I had either.

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