Monday, June 30, 2008

Breakfast with Papa

Papa we had a great time with you on your visit and we all wish that our visits could be more frequent...

Field Trip

I volenteered to chaperon Ella's last field trip of the year. The trip was to the Gray Wildlife Park and you can see in these photo's that one of my girls was ready to have fun and the other was ready to sulk.
It was a rainy stick day and most of the animals were hiding out so it was not the most exciting trip. However the lack of animals was a positive for Molly and by the end of the trip she was running and having a great time with Ella and her friends.

Tiny Dancer

Here are a few photo's from the dress rehearsal of the girls ballet recital. I must admit I was a little worried that the girls would have stage fright when the big day came but it was not an issue. In fact Molly seemed to enjoy being up on the stage, she even stopped dancing several times during the performance and gazed out at the crowd with a giant grin on her face. A moment of panic was shared between Nick and I when the music for the girls number started and then abruptly stopped while another dance class filled the stage. We nervously looked at each other and I can only speak for myself but I was 100% sure the hold up had something to do with one of our children. As it turns out it was another dancer arriving late that caused the hold up. The girls even did an encore number so the family of the late arrival could see the performance. It was a fun night for everyone and we were lucky to have Papa in town for the big night.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

I swear that I can cook, in fact sometimes I would say I cook quite well but today was not a shinning example of my ability to cook. It was Simone's birthday (the little girl that I watch once a week) and I promised the girls we would make cupcakes. I would bake them and they could decorate them. They were all looking forward to the treat but sometimes things do not turn out the way we plan them. First of all I followed the directions and used this mixerso I know I did not over beat the batter but it turned out very fluffy and thick, not like any other cake I batter I have made before. I shrugged it off and did my best to get in in the darn paper cups. Secondly I opened the oven door and there was no heat despite preheating the oven. Hmmm, I had promised the kids cupcakes and they were checking in every two minutes to see if they were ready yet. So I turned to my only other option of baking the cup cakes, the toaster oven. The problem, the cupcake pan was never going to fit in the toaster oven. SO I put the paper cups in the bottom of the broiler pan hoping that the combined effect of crowding them together and the edge of the pan would offer enough support. I knew better but I just wanted to keep my promise. So I consoled myself with the fact that they would not care if they looked a little deformed they would still taste great right? Well witness the results for yourself.
Golden brown tops and gooey raw liquid inside. As you can imagine the inside of my toaster oven did not fare so well either. At this point I thought maybe I could use some little condiment cups that my grandmother had given me and I even went so far as to squish the cupcake liners in to them.

However I decided another disappointment was too much for me and in defeat I packed the kids in the car and headed off to purchase some cupcakes from the grocery store.

Part Time Work?

I was looking at Craigslist to see if there were any good part time jobs available when I stumbled on this job listing looking for surrogate mothers, notice at the bottom of this ad that it is classified as a part time job. Who knew that you could be pregnant just part time I wish someone had clued me in on that when I was pregnant with my girls. That would have made things easier when I could not sleep because of horrendous heartburn. Or when I was a swollen emotional mess. I'm just saying.

Become a Surrogate Mother. Our established Surrogacy Program seeks loving women to carry couples biological babies. Help a loving and infertile couple become parents by bringing their little miracle(s) into the world. We are willing to pay above average compensation and experienced carriers are welcome. Call our toll free #1-888-363-9457 or visit our website to fill out an application ref 6/20/08

• Between the ages of 21-44
• Non-smoker
• Have given birth

Starting Compensation: $23,000 and up, plus all expenses paid by Intended Parents

  • Compensation: Generous
  • This is a part-time job.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Peaks Island Scenes

Peaks Island

Or as Molly calls it Peace Island, which surprises me considering the way the trip started out. After arriving at the ferry terminal Molly noticed a few passengers of the canine persuasion. She was not at all happy about dogs being allowed on board as fellow passengers. As she cried and pleaded with Nick who was holding (restraining) her I offered to take her back to the car and pick up everyone in a few hours when they returned. Not particularly for Molly's benefit but for those poor people who expected a pleasant boating experience and were instead subjected to a panic stricken Molly. Molly in a Panic is not a picture easily painted you would have to witness the event to truly appreciate the depth of her display. It was not a happy moment for the Morris family but Nick insisted she should stick it out. Nick made the right call, when we found out seats from which no dogs could be seen she started to loosen up and have a great time. They played on the beach and enjoyed themselves on the island. I would rate the trip a 50% success because on the return to mainland we had another event which put the Morris family on display in a not so pleasant light. Imagine an upscale shop with lovely home furnishing then add two giggling, screaming, running, wild children you end up with two extremely embarrassed, pissed off parents, a mortified Maga and a few unhappy shop owners. Which prompted our fast departure full of dirty looks from the premise and a slew of punishments for our offspring. Does not sound very good maybe I need to lower my success rate to %25?

The Calm Before the Storm

Would you believe that moments after this photo was taken the day took a turn for the worse. A turn that involved crying over ice cream treats had been revoked and a certain four year old screaming, kicking and clawing at her father as we hastily made out way back to the car. I know it has been said before but it is a damn good thing that children are as cute as they are.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bobo Graduates

Bobo had her preschool graduation a few weeks ago and I have been meaning to write about it ever since. It was a nice day and honestly I think that Bobo was thrilled to have the year behind her, she just never really settled in at school. She looked adorable in her cap and gown and while I think the whole idea of having any sort of graduation ceremony for 4 and 5 year old's is a bit silly it was a nice ending to her preschool days.
The children all had to draw a picture about what they would like to be when they grew up and of course Bobo had a practical profession in mind, she drew a picture of Hello Kitty. Alright in full disclosure I drew the damn cat in pencil and she traced it in crayon after an altercation she had with a teacher over the viability of a career as Hello Kitty. When the teacher gently explained that she may have some trouble becoming a cat Bobo refused to participate in the activity. My little "kitty" is so dramatic sometimes. I really do wonder what she will do with all of this creative energy and flair someday. I have no doubt she will keep us all on our toes and well entertained for years to come.